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Otter Plans and Assets pages take a minute to load

  • Hi Folks.

    We're trying to get to the bottom of a small annoyance, where the Plans and Assets pages take about a minute each to load. Once in, it takes a little while again to switch between Orchestration / Configuration tabs (Plans) and Powershell Scripts / Shell Scripts / Modules / Text Templates / Other Files (Assets).

    One thing we noticed was selecting any of these pages causes the Otter.Service.exe to use 25% of CPU on the host. We're running this in Cloud so we've tried changing the VM size to something a bit more powerful, but the results were the same. Not too sure where to go from here or what to look in to next. Any advice?

    Otter is using its own Web Server, and we're running MS SQL 2014 (Full, non Express).


    Product: Otter
    Version: 2.1.1

  • If I had to guess, it's related to the raft configuration?

    What type of raft are you using... Git, or Database? Do you have a lot or large files stored in it?

  • We're using a Git raft which doesn't host large files. The total size of the repo as i see it is about 11mb made up of just over 100 files.

  • Hmm, one possibility is that this is related to automatically doing a git sync on the raft before use. This shouldn't take that long, or be that resource intensive, but sometimes it is.

    What is your remote Git server? Could that be taking the time, do you think?

    We are considering changing this behavior, and synchronizing a raft only before use from Otter (i.e. after saving a file in the UI, or before loading by the service), and on periodic basis.

  • Ah I getcha. I'm guessing at this point its not possible to configure when the automatic sync should happen?

    Is it at all possible to watch a log file while I load pages? I usually have a habit of watching a log file (similar to #> tail -f <filename>) then go about recreating the problem to see what's logged during that time.

    I can see in Advanced Settings there's a 'Minimum Log Level' option, but I can't seem to find a log file that corresponds to this setting.

  • At this point, the raft will automatically sync every time it's used. This is typically very fast (it's a fast web request to your remote repository), but we have seen cases where the network connection is very slow and this takes time.

    The easiest way to test if it's this problem would be to temporarily convert this to a Zip raft; basically, export it from Git, rename the Git Raft, then add a Zip raft with the old name. That should be nearly instant.

    The ability to control when the sync on Git Raft happens is a feature-in-development.

  • update: we will be addressing this in Otter 2.2, and rafts will now only sync as needed. This will significantly reduce the time required.

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