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Update either Server or Role Variables
Is it possible to update a variable for a server based on code? For example, can I create a variable called OS and have it populate based on CIM_OperatingSystem or WMI? More specifically edit a variable on a server?
Product: Otter
Version: 2.0.13
You could use the Variables Management API for this:
So I have been working on different ways to update a server, and I am having some issues. I can create a new server, or add a new server to a role no problem with the code below. But Updating variables, I am getting this:
Invoke-RestMethod : 547
57`The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__Variables__Servers".$Key= 'blahblah'
$Server = 'hdarsintsv1'$Body =
"variables": {
"Viking": "True",
}'Invoke-RestMethod $URI -Method Post -Body $Body -Verbose
Any ideas? Thanks!
Forgot to add this too:
$URI = "https://azlmidrange.azlifem.azl.pvt:8626/api/infrastructure/servers/update?key=$key"
My bad!
So I am able to update all of the attributes of a server, with the exception of variables. I am able to edit roles, environments, temppath, drift, all without issue. I am not able to change server variables, though. Can anyone test this to confirm it may be a bug, or perhaps I am doing something wrong? Being I can update everything else, I am going to side with the former, but anything's possible.
$Key= 'blahblah'
$Server = 'hdarsintsv1'
$URI = "https://otterserver.test:8626/api/infrastructure/servers/update/$Server`?key=$key"
$Body =
"variables": { "Viking": "True", },
Invoke-RestMethod $URI -Method Post -Body $Body -Verbose
That is indeed a bug in that particular API, but in the meantime the variables API can be used as follows:
$VariableObj = @{ name = "Viking" value = "True" server = "hdarsintsv1" } $Headers = @{ "X-ApiKey" = "blahblah" } Invoke-RestMethod "http://otterint/api/variables/scoped/single" -Method Post ` -Body ($VariableObj | ConvertTo-Json) ` -Headers $Headers -Verbose
I am not familiar with this way to do it, and it does not appear to work for me:
Invoke-RestMethod : The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive.
This appears to be an issue when using headers, but I have not found a reliable way to fix this.
You can adapt it to your method (i.e. just use JSON directly as you did in your previous example), I just already had this script handy and don't like putting the API key in the query string if I can avoid it.
Thanks John. I did try a few variations, and after I ended up renaming a server trying to get your method to work, I decided to stop trying. I am not very familiar with the format you are using, and it is different from the documentation. However, I agree that not adding the key to the URL string is probably a safer way to do it, and that process and examples should be added to the documentation.
I still am not able to update a variable, but if one creates a new server, then you can add variables as long as it's a create. Maybe that will help whoever is going to fix it.
Ahh I see the confusion now. The important bit is that I am using a completely different API (i.e. the Variables Management API that Tod originally mentioned at
, not the Infrastructure API at/api/infrastructure
) to accomplish the same task as a workaround. These endpoints are also far more powerful for variables specifically (i.e. you can edit multiple at once, handle multi-scoping, etc.)As I mentioned, what you did originally is supposed to work, and there is a bug filed to fix for the next release: https://inedo.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/OT-257
Alright, after messing around with that information, I was able to get it to work. I am able to update the variables. Interesting thing is that it doesn't appear I can change just one variable, I have to change all of them, or at least enter all of them as they are?
Thanks for your help!