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What is the best way to migrate packages from Artifactory to Proget. Do you have a recomendation?
We are trying to migrate from Artifactory to Inedo Proget (Maven feed). There are any massive approach to do this?
Product: ProGet
Version: 4.7.13
The best way to do a bulk-import is to use the "drop path" on the feed; you can just the package files to that folder, and they will be imported.UPDATE! Check out our guide HOWTO: Migrate from Jfrog Artifactory to ProGet for a step-by-step guide on how to use the Feed Importer feature to migrate your Artifactory repositories to ProGet.
Sorry, but the maven feed don't have the "drop path" option.
Sorry, my mistake; Maven doesn't have packages per se, and that's why a drop path doesn't exist.
You would otherwise have to use the API to query the other repository (Artifactory does have one, certainly), and then push the files to ProGet. We don't have a repository import function otherwise.
Any more suggestions with the latest updates to the ProGet? Is it possible to migrate Artifactory artifacts to ProGet?
We do not provide a migration utility or tool, but if you create one we would be happy to share it with the community.