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Buildmaster SDK - ReleaseNumber

  • Hey,

    Just trying to upgrade the Inedo.Buildmaster.SDK to v6.0.0. Running into an issue where:

    public override Task ExecuteAsync(IOperationExecutionContext context)
         return Task.Run(async () => {
             var releaseNumber = $"{context.ReleaseNumber}.{context.BuildNumber}";

    is now invalid because context doesn't contain ReleaseNumber or BuildNumber.

    How can I get the current release and build numbers in the new SDK version?


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 6.0.6

  • Hi Chris,

    That appears to have been an oversight in the Inedo SDK. However, you should be able to just cast context to Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.IGenericBuildMasterContext, which does have a ReleaseNumber and BuildNumber property.

    This is safe to do; it's how we have the $ReleaseNumber function implemented internally.

    Hope this helps!

  • Thanks Dean, worked like a charm.

  • Hi Dean,

    Turns out that built it, but when I cast the IExecutionContext to an IGenericBuildmasterContext it just returns null when run inside Buildmaster.

    Any ideas?


  • Are you able to post the full code, or submit the code as a support ticket if you don't want it public? There must be something else happening because that should definitely work.

  • No worries Todd - here's the code:

    Line 62 logs "Package Context is null? True".

    Line 133 is where the exception gets thrown: NullReferenceException

    Inedo SDK is v1.0.5 (which at the time of writing is the latest stable version)

    using Inedo;
    using Inedo.BuildMaster.Data;
    using Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility;
    using Inedo.Diagnostics;
    using Inedo.Documentation;
    using Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Executer;
    using Inedo.Extensibility;
    using Inedo.Extensibility.Operations;
    using LibGit2Sharp;
    using Custom.BuildMaster.Interfaces;
    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace Custom.BuildMaster.Actions.Git
        [Description("Clone's a repository")]
        public class GitClone : GitOperation
            [DisplayName("Branch to Clone")]
            [PlaceholderText("e.g. master")]
            public string Branch { get; set; }
            [DisplayName("Commit Hash")]
            [PlaceholderText("e.g. 3917402e798a42fbdde99a66b8cac5d61a720b8f or leave blank for latest")]
            public string Commit { get; set; }
            [DisplayName("Clone to")]
            [PlaceholderText("e.g. $WorkingDirectory")]
            public string CloneTo { get; set; }
            [DisplayName("Save Commit Hash to Variable")]
            [PlaceholderText("VariableName (optional)")]
            public string VariableName { get; set; }
            protected override ExtendedRichDescription GetDescription(IOperationConfiguration config)
                return new ExtendedRichDescription(
                    new RichDescription(
                        $"Clone {config[nameof(this.RepositoryName)]} to {config[nameof(this.CloneTo)]}"
            public override Task ExecuteAsync(IOperationExecutionContext context)
                return Task.Run(async () =>
                    // Turn this into the buildmaster context to get package variables out
                    var packageContext = context as IGenericBuildMasterContext;                
                    Log(new SimpleLogMessage(MessageLevel.Debug, $"Package Context is null? {packageContext == null}", "Git", "", context));  // THIS LINE LOGS "Package Context is null? True"
                    // Clone Repo to directory
                    CloneOptions co = new CloneOptions();
                    co.CredentialsProvider = (_url, _user, _cred) => new LibGit2Sharp.SecureUsernamePasswordCredentials { Username = Username, Password = Password };
                    var path = context.ResolvePath(CloneTo);
                    path = Repository.Clone(Path.Combine(BaseUrl, RepositoryName), path, co);
                    // Get Commit hash
                    var repo = new Repository(path);
                    var commitHash = repo.Head.Tip.Sha;
                    // Get local + remote branch names
                    var localBranchName = "refs/heads/" + Branch;
                    var remoteBranchName = "refs/remotes/origin/" + Branch;
                    Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, $"Local Branch set to {localBranchName}", "Git", "", context));
                    Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, $"Remote Branch set to {remoteBranchName}", "Git", "", context));
                    // Check the remote branch exists
                    var trackingBranch = repo.Branches[remoteBranchName];
                    if (trackingBranch == null)
                        Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Error, $"Branch {Branch} does not exist on the remote.", "Git", "", context));
                        throw new Exception($"Branch {Branch} does not exist on remote");
                    // Checkout branch
                    Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, $"Creating Branch {Branch} Locally", "Git", "", context));
                    Branch localBranch;
                        localBranch = repo.CreateBranch(Branch, trackingBranch.Tip);
                        // Branch already exists - set it up
                        localBranch = repo.Branches[localBranchName];
                    Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, "Tracking remote branch", "Git", "", context));
                    repo.Branches.Update(localBranch, b => b.TrackedBranch = trackingBranch.CanonicalName);
                    Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, "Checking out branch", "Git", "", context));
                    Commands.Checkout(repo, Branch);
                    Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, $"Cloned branch {Branch} Successfully", "Git", "", context));
                    // If hash is specified, checkout that
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Commit))
                        Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, $"Commit Hash set. Attempting to checkout commit hash {Commit}", "Git", "", context));
                        repo.Reset(ResetMode.Hard, Commit);                    
                    // Make sure the commit hash is set correctly
                    commitHash = repo.Head.Tip.Sha;
                    Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Information, $"Cloned Successfully: Hash is {commitHash}", "Git", "", context));
                    // Set commit hash 
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VariableName))
                        Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Information, "No Commit Hash Variable Specified. Not setting.", "Git", "", context));
                        using (var db = new DB.Context())
                            var build = await db.Builds_GetBuildAsync(packageContext.ApplicationId, packageContext.ReleaseNumber, packageContext.BuildNumber); // THIS LINE FAILS with NullReferenceException
                            if (build == null)
                                throw new ExecutionFailureException($"Package {packageContext.BuildNumber} was not found for release {packageContext.ReleaseNumber}.");
                                Build_Id: build.Build_Id,
                                Variable_Name: VariableName,
                                ValueType_Code: Domains.VariableValueType.Scalar,
                                Variable_Value: InedoLib.UTF8Encoding.GetBytes(commitHash),
                                Sensitive_Indicator: false,
                                EvaluateVariables_Indicator: false
                            Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Information, $"Assigned commit hash {commitHash} to variable {VariableName}", "Git", "", context));
                    //Delete the .git Directory
                    Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, "Removed .git directory and .gitignore", "Git", "", context));
                    // Write hash
                    return new object();

  • Try the following code; it removes the need for IGenericBuildMasterContext altogether and uses an async method to replace the Task.Run call:

        public override async Task ExecuteAsync(IOperationExecutionContext context)
            // Clone Repo to directory
            CloneOptions co = new CloneOptions();
            co.CredentialsProvider = (_url, _user, _cred) => new LibGit2Sharp.SecureUsernamePasswordCredentials { Username = Username, Password = Password };
            var path = context.ResolvePath(CloneTo);
            path = Repository.Clone(Path.Combine(BaseUrl, RepositoryName), path, co);
            // Get Commit hash
            var repo = new Repository(path);
            var commitHash = repo.Head.Tip.Sha;
            // Get local + remote branch names
            var localBranchName = "refs/heads/" + Branch;
            var remoteBranchName = "refs/remotes/origin/" + Branch;
            Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, $"Local Branch set to {localBranchName}", "Git", "", context));
            Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, $"Remote Branch set to {remoteBranchName}", "Git", "", context));
            // Check the remote branch exists
            var trackingBranch = repo.Branches[remoteBranchName];
            if (trackingBranch == null)
                Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Error, $"Branch {Branch} does not exist on the remote.", "Git", "", context));
                throw new Exception($"Branch {Branch} does not exist on remote");
            // Checkout branch
            Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, $"Creating Branch {Branch} Locally", "Git", "", context));
            Branch localBranch;
                localBranch = repo.CreateBranch(Branch, trackingBranch.Tip);
                // Branch already exists - set it up
                localBranch = repo.Branches[localBranchName];
            Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, "Tracking remote branch", "Git", "", context));
            repo.Branches.Update(localBranch, b => b.TrackedBranch = trackingBranch.CanonicalName);
            Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, "Checking out branch", "Git", "", context));
            Commands.Checkout(repo, Branch);
            Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, $"Cloned branch {Branch} Successfully", "Git", "", context));
            // If hash is specified, checkout that
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Commit))
                Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, $"Commit Hash set. Attempting to checkout commit hash {Commit}", "Git", "", context));
                repo.Reset(ResetMode.Hard, Commit);
            // Make sure the commit hash is set correctly
            commitHash = repo.Head.Tip.Sha;
            Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Information, $"Cloned Successfully: Hash is {commitHash}", "Git", "", context));
            // Set commit hash 
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(VariableName))
                Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Information, "No Commit Hash Variable Specified. Not setting.", "Git", "", context));
                using (var db = new DB.Context())
                    var exec = await db.Builds_GetExecutionAsync(context.ExecutionId);
                    await db.Variables_CreateOrUpdatePackageVariableAsync(
                        Build_Id: exec.Build_Id,
                        Variable_Name: VariableName,
                        ValueType_Code: Domains.VariableValueType.Scalar,
                        Variable_Value: InedoLib.UTF8Encoding.GetBytes(commitHash),
                        Sensitive_Indicator: false,
                        EvaluateVariables_Indicator: false
                    Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Information, $"Assigned commit hash {commitHash} to variable {VariableName}", "Git", "", context));
            //Delete the .git Directory
            Log(new SimpleLogMessage(Inedo.Diagnostics.MessageLevel.Debug, "Removed .git directory and .gitignore", "Git", "", context));              

    However, I'm guessing this was written a while ago before the built-in Git operations handled this? We use the Git operations to perform this same functionality by combining two operations:

    # Gets source from the BuildMaster repository and creates a release package variable named GitCommit
        Credentials: GitLab,
        RepositoryUrl: https://gitlab.com/inedo/BuildMaster.git,
        DiskPath: ~\Src,
        RecurseSubmodules: true,
        Branch: $Branch,
        CommitHash => $commit
    Set-ReleaseVariable GitCommit
        Value: $commit,
        Package: $PackageNumber

  • Hi Todd,

    Thanks for the such quick replies. I've implemented that in the code, but will need to wait for a bit to actually test it.

    Is there a way of cloning a particular commit using the built-in extension (as above) or can you only clone branches? I think that's where this extension initially arose.

  • You can actually put a full commit ID in the Tag field (which actually supports any refname)... I'll have someone put a note in to change that in the operation.

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