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Create new server in Otter using API
I am trying to create a new server in Otter using PowerShell and the guidance in the documentation. Since there is no example, it has complicated things in that the page (which I am using the name of the server I am trying to create) returns an error of "not found". The URL I am using is:
https://<my server's URL>/servers/create/<server name>>?key=<my api key>
I am passing a json body with the parameters as described in the documentation using PowerShell's Invoke-RestMethod Cmdlet with a method of Post. What is it that I need to do to create this server?
Product: BuildMaster
Version: 6.0.4
I believe your url should look like https://<my server's URL>/api/infrastructure/servers/create/<server name>?key=<my api key>
Hello Paul
Here is the powershell script we are using.
It is running from the server as a part of our init server script.
We deploy the Otter/BuildMaster Agent and we run the script .Hope this help
PhilippeParam( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$API = "https://#OTTERHOST#/api", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SERVEUR = $env:computerName ) #end param # Extract AESKey [xml]$XmlDocument = Get-Content -Path "C:\Program Files\InedoAgent\InedoAgentService.exe.config" $AESKey=($XmlDocument.configuration.appsettings.add | where-object {$_.key -eq "EncryptionKey"}).value # # Grab list of registered server # $URI=$API+"/infrastructure/servers/list" $aListServer=Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $URI -Headers @{'X-ApiKey' = '********************'} if ($aListServer.Name -contains $SERVEUR){ # # Mise à jour # $URI=$API+"/infrastructure/servers/update/"+$SERVEUR $body = @{ name="$SERVEUR"; hostname="$SERVEUR"; active=$true; serverType="windows"; port="46336"; encryptionType="AES"; encryptionKey=$AESKey } }else{ # # Creation # $URI=$API+"/infrastructure/servers/create/"+$SERVEUR $body = @{ name="$SERVEUR"; hostname="$SERVEUR"; serverType="windows"; active=$true; drift="automaticallyRemediate"; port="46336"; roles=@("Baseline"); environments=@("Integration"); encryptionType="AES"; encryptionKey=$AESKey } } # # Appel de l'API # Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json;' -Uri $URI -Body (ConvertTo-Json $body) -Headers @{'X-ApiKey' = '********************'} #