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Change an Application's Release Numbering Scheme

  • We recently established a standard in our organization that custom developed applications will follow a Release Numbering Scheme of Major.Minor.Revision. We currently have a few projects in BuildMaster where the Release Numbering Scheme is set to Major.Minor. Can I change the scheme for those projects, or would I need to create new ones?

  • It's not support (yet), either from the UI or API. However... in this case, there should be no sorting issues if you go from MM to MMR.

    You can go directly to the database (Applications table) and change the scheme. As always, make sure to backup the database beforehand and test.

  • Thanks for the reply. I changed the value in the database, and then I tried to create a new release. However, BuildMaster encountered an error, saying that an "invalid Length value was passed to a LEFT or SUBSTRING function." I ended up changing the value back and continuing to use the old scheme. It doesn't match our (new) standard, but I prefer to have all the application's history in one place.

  • Thanks for the update; we do plan on supporting this soon once a particular feature ("Release Archiving") is introduced. In the mean time, we can at least change some of the procs/funcs/etc that are crashing.

    If you can send us a backup of your database (support at inedo dot com), we could use that as a starting point and get a patch to you very soon.

    If you need to scrub sensitive data, this will do it:

    DELETE BuildExecution_PlanActionLogEntries
    UPDATE Providers SET Provider_Configuration = NULL
    UPDATE PlanActions SET Action_Configuration = NULL

    But it will also ruin your database, so obviously only do that on the database you'd send us :-)

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