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Are Package Notes Supported?

  • What is the state of the concept of Package Notes mentioned here, https://inedo.com/support/documentation/buildmaster/modeling-applications/release-notes? Is this feature deprecated and the documentation is lagging a bit or is this feature simply not implemented at this time? When creating a note, there is a drop down for selecting a package but the value shows up as (none) when editing a note. Looking at the stored procedure, [dbo].[Releases_CreateOrUpdateReleaseNote] the BuildNumber passed in is never used.

    The specific use-case I'm looking to use package specific notes for is to log the change history and commit message that triggered the creation of a package. Currently these are being added as release-wide notes but given the number of packages being created for each release, this has become unmanageable. If the note could be made for each package individually then the release overview screen wouldn't become cluttered.

    Of course I'm also open to hearing any alternative solutions to tying the history and commit message to a specific package.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 6.0.4

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi Josh,

    Sorry, this seems to be a v6 glitch! But we're on it :)

    I've submitted BM-3192 and then inedo-docs/#6 to update our documentation.

    Your understanding of how the feature is supposed to work is correct, and your use-case is how it's supposed to be.

    Thanks for reporting it !

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