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Log IP or hostname when a user does not have Feeds_ViewFeed privilege
I'm wondering if it's possible to log the IP or hostname of the machine when an Error Message of type 401 error is created?
I have a case where a user or a scheduled task is constantly trying to access a certain feed, but since the user is anonymous, there is no way of figuring out where the request comes from.
Product: ProGet
Version: 5.0.10
This is not supported in ProGet, primarily because it's only useful in rare situations like this. But you can easily accomplish this in IIS by enabling logging, and then checking the corresponding the time of the ProGet error logs with the IIS logs.
I'm using the Web.UseIntegratedWebServer option, how can I achieve the same when ProGet runs as a Windows Service?
The Integrated Web Server doesn't have many features, including request logging and tracking. So in this case, you'll want to upgrade to IIS:
Please refer to KB#1013: Hosting Through IIS Instead of the Integrated Web Server