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Bug: namespaced npm packages don't work correctly

  • When we upload a namespaced package @foo/bar the npm information are wrong in ProGet :

    • Requesting http://proget/npm/feed/-/all list bar as a package. Worse if we really have a non-namespaced package bar (coming from a connected feed for example) the namespaced package hide it.
    • Accessing http://proget/npm/feed/bar doesn't work (If there is a non-namespaced package named bar it return it)
    • This dummy bar package isn't shown in the UI (The UI correctly show @foo/bar)

    All of this is pretty weird and creating bugs. Especially when ANOTHER ProGet instance is connected to the first one via a connector. The second instance will see a package bar and list it in the UI but clicking on the package show an error (An error occurred getting the package: Package not found.)

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.0.0

  • This is "by design" (albeit a very poor design), and is how npm scoped packages are actually supposed to work. Scoped packages do not show up in indexes and are only returned in some queries, which makes searching for them in the UI and via connectors basically impossible. You can go to npmjs.org and npm tooling and see very similar behaviors for scoped packages.

  • Hi,

    What you are describing isn't what happens in ProGet.

    Scoped packages locally uploaded appear as non-scoped packages.

    Let me take a simple example where ProGet I see a problem :

    • Create a new npm feed
    • Pull @types/lodash from https://registry.npmjs.org into this feed
    • Access /-/all on this feed and notice that the package IS listed but with the WRONG id : lodash instead of @types/lodash. And accessing /lodash returns {"error":"Package not found.","reason":"Package was not found."}

    Searching or listing for packages in such a feed should either not list private packages (As the official repository does) or list them with their correct ID.

    Looking at the official registry I didn't find any case where they send wrong package IDs so it really look like a ProGet bug.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hello Julien,

    I've filed this as PG-1147 and a fix should be coming in the next version of ProGet.

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