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Bower and windows authentication

  • Hi,

    The Bower KB article states:
    "Currently, Bower can only connect to ProGet if Windows authentication is not used."

    Does this mean that you have to disable LDAP authentication altogether for the ProGet server?

    If so, this it a shame as we would like to use the Bower integration but are actually paying for the Pro version because of the LDAP authentication feature.

    Are you working on supporting LDAP authentication for Bower? Or it it not possible at all?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.3.4

  • Hi Peter- so far as I know it's only possible to use basic authentication with Bower, and even then you'd need to store the user name and password in the registry URL. I think it just wasn't really built with authentication in mind. As far as LDAP goes, the Bower and npm clients don't send Windows authentication headers, so integrated authentication is not possible. However, ProGet can be configured in such a way that it will use basic authentication with your LDAP credentials. This would still require sending a username/password to the ProGet server, but they would be your LDAP username/password.

    We're new to the Bower space ourselves so we're certainly open to feedback on how to improve this.

  • Hi Dean,
    Ok i see, bower doesn't really support this.
    We have also just begun using bower here.

    So if I wan't to keep using LDAP authentication for my NuGet feeds, and would like to add a bower feed, I would then have to configure ProGet to use basic authentication with my LDAP credentials, it that correct?

    How do I configure ProGet for this setup?

    Do you have an example on how the registry URL would look that includes username and password?

  • If you go to Admin->All Settings and change IntegratedAuthenticationEnabled to False and click Save, then it should use forms/basic authentication with LDAP as the user directory source.

    Note that if you are hosting the web site with IIS, you'll also have to enable Forms authentication and disable Windows authentication in there for the site. If you're using the integrated web server, it should just work.

    Once configured like this, you can supply the username and password in the url for the client. There is an example of this available if you click on the configuring Bower link visible on the page for any Bower package in ProGet. As far as I know, this is the only way to get it to work.

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