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How can I upload a jar to maven with maven's deploy command?

  • I can upload a jar to maven feed by using the ProGet web GUI, and how can I achieve it by using command line? Just like nuget.exe for C# packages.


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.11

  • inedo-engineer

    According to the mvn deploy documentation, you'd need this in the POM file for the project:

          <name>My ProGet Feed</name>

    If the feed requires authentication, you also need this in settings.xml (the <id> values have to match):


    If you want your snapshot versions deployed to a separate feed, you can add a <snapshotRepository> to <distributionManagement> in the same format as <repository> above.

    After that, the command is just mvn deploy to upload the package to ProGet.

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