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Universal Package Dependencies not shown in JSON response
With the two packages:
{ "group": "test", "name": "Root", "version": "1.0.0" } { "group": "test", "name": "Dependent", "version": "1.0.0", "dependencies": ["test:Root"] }
The JSON Response of
doesn't show the dependency
{ "group":"test", "name":"Dependent", "latestVersion":"1.0.0", "downloads":"1", "isLocal":true, "isCached":false, "versions":["1.0.0"] }
The website however, does.
Product: ProGet
Version: 4.5.4
Are you able to use the versions API endpoint instead? That one should include the dependency information in the response.
I see. Yes, that returns the dependencies as well. Thanks for the hint. Although I would expect the other endpoint to also return them, maybe in a future version. Just for completeness sake.
We'll add that as a proposed feature. I think the only issue aside from a small query/performance issue in implementation is that dependencies can change for different versions, so we'd really just be showing the latest version's dependencies there. Still, we are already doing that with certain fields like description, so that's not too bad...