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Issue using EnsureAppPool

  • When trying to use Ensure-AppPool and using variables for the properties.
    The problem I'm having is that the Ensure-AppPool has some properties that are required to be certain types, TimeSpan, Int, etc. so when I try to use it, it fails.
    I could not find any documentation about declaring variable types in Otterscript, is there some way to do this? If so can I also do it in the Template area where you can set the Required parameters?


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.3.6

  • The Strings & Values section in the reference goes into a bit more detail, but there are no types; effectively, everything is a string value.

    As long as the end values can be coerced/converted to the expected type, it should be fine...

    set $thousand = 1000;
    IIS::Ensure-AppPool hdars
        Enable32BitAppOnWin64: true,
        QueueLength: $thousand

    ... of course, if you were to have $thousand be thousand then it would obviously throw an error, because thousand is not an integer.

  • Well I'm using variables set in the Application/Settings/Template Variables section and they are numbers but I get this error:

        Unhandled exception: System.InvalidCastException: Invalid cast from 'System.String' to 'System.TimeSpan'.
       at System.Convert.DefaultToType(IConvertible value, Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider)
       at Inedo.BuildMaster.PlanExecuter.ScriptPropertyMapper.CoerceValue(RuntimeValue value, Type type)
       at Inedo.BuildMaster.PlanExecuter.ScriptPropertyMapper.SetPropertyValue(Object target, IVariableEvaluationContext variableContext, String propertyValue, PropertyInfo property)
       at Inedo.BuildMaster.PlanExecuter.ScriptPropertyMapper.SetProperties(Object target, ActionStatement action, IVariableEvaluationContext variableContext)
       at Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.Executions.PlanExecuter.DeploymentPlanExecuter.<Inedo-ExecutionEngine-Executer-IExecutionHostEnvironment-ExecuteActionAsync>d__21.MoveNext()

    I've actually got the one field that requires a timespan set to 0 in the variable I'm passing to it.

  • Ah; ok. This is a known bug (TimeSpan Values are not Propery Coerced) that was fixed in Otter but not brought over to BuildMaster; it will be fixed in next maintenace release as [BM-2209].

    It only impacts TimeSpan-based properties.

  • Any way to do it in the meantime? And any ETA on that particular release?
    Just have a deployment I need to do.

  • It's scheduled for release later today.

    in the mean time, you can use PowerShell or not set that particular property that requires a timespan.

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