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Deploying database objects

  • While testing database changes I've run into problems deploying oracle stored procedures. Actually any code with sql delimiters in the object. The application seems to run individual commands based on the ';' delimiter but that doesn't allow for package / function / procedure creation.

    Is there any workaround?

    I also noted this from the documentation:
    Note that database object code (stored procedure, views, etc) are not considered change scripts.
    Can someone explain why that is?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.9.7

  • As for the definition of "change scripts", that's a definition used by BuildMaster to indicate scripts that alter tables, columns, etc. Stored procs and views are object code, and can be dropped/recreated... while you can only drop a column once without backing up its associated data.

    Re: Oracle, our Oracle expert is not available with a better answer at the moment, but you can check the extension source code to see if anything jumps out: https://github.com/Inedo/bmx-oracle

  • Thanks,
    I was able to download the Oracle extension and modify it to look for a custom statement delimiter for testing purposes. A few tests seem to check out fine so I'm able to deploy package updates this way. This means I have to customize my deploy scripts but this may be an acceptable tradeoff for now. I've made my statement separator tokens comment sequences (i.e. "--$$") so that the script can still run in sql*plus.

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