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Issue List 4.0.6
This is a list of potential issues in the latest version.
- If I try to create a feed for either chocolatey, npm, or bower, and have the "create default connector" checked, it never creates the connector.
- If I try to add a connector from the feed manage page for Chocolatey, it creates a connector of type Nuget. Note this is new in 4.0.6, 4.0.5 was fine.
- NPM feeds do not list remote packages (through a connector as nuget, chocolatey, or bower). I don't know if this is expected behavior (due to NPM's APIs or the nature of the json from the registry).
- When I create a retention rule and uncheck all of the deletion rules, I cannot save due to a message that this would delete all packages. While I agree with the utility of the rule to be nil at this point, isn't the net affect the opposite? If it doesn't have any conditions on when it should delete, why would it delete packages?
- When viewing a package, if I click on one of its dependencies, I go back to the listing page (for the feed). The URL appears to be correct initially before a redirect. Ideally the URL fragment would at least populate the search box if the package doesn't exist.
- If I pull in a Nuget package, shouldn't it automatically pull in all dependencies (all the way down the tree)?
That is it for now. Thank you in advance!
Product: ProGet
Version: 4.0.6
In addition to the third bullet, I've found that when trying to create a chocolatey connector it fails with an
An error occurred in the web application: 547 ``16
The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "CK__Connectors__FeedType". The conflict occurred in database "ProGet", table "dbo.Connectors", column 'FeedType_Name'.
Thanks for the note; some of these are bugs related to the major v4 changes, and will get fixed very soon in a new maintenance release.
Regarding some items ...
If I pull in a Nuget package, shouldn't it automatically pull in all dependencies (all the way down the tree)?
No, that's the expected behavior. There was a "download with dependencies" option at one point, but NuGet's depednecy resolution is very complex (especially when you have to consider "conditional" dependencies like framework version) and inconsisent, which yielded unpredictable results.
RE: Retention Policies - those checkboxes are filters against the set of all packages, so if none are checked, then all packages would be deleted. Each checked box adds an additional restriction to or limits what would be deleted.