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JIRA could not connect: object not set

  • Hi,

    I've installed the JIRA 4.2 extension on buildmaster 4.9.1 and try to add a "jira issue tracking provider".

    However, when I fill in the required details (url, relative path, username and password) and click the "Test connection" button, I get the following error:

    ""An unexpected error occurred while attempting to connect. Object reference not set to an instance of an object".

    The error-log of buildmaster self is empty, as is the windows Application eventlog. Is there any way of troubleshooting this?

    I'v tried this with two separate JIRA-installations, the error stays the same.



    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.9.1

  • Thank you for the report; this is an issue with the reporting of the Test Connection message introduced in 4.9 and will be fixed in v4.9.2, scheduled for today or tomorrow.

    You should be able to just ignore the message and attempt to use the integration as per usual if the values you entered look correct, or revert back to v4.8.

  • Thanks Tod! One of the downsides of moving to a beta-version of any product of course ;-). Looking forward to the next update. I'll try moving forward without the test, results are looking promising.


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