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No NuGet packages despite setting drop folder

  • How do I get the feed to pick up the NuGet packages in the drop folder? I have configured the path, which is the folder in which we have been serving the packages from (just served as a folder share), but the feed shows nothing and appears to be ignoring these packages. How do I trigger the import process, or what am I missing?


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.4.5

  • The user account running the ProGet service probably doesn't have access to the drop folder. By default, it's installed to use Network Service, which is quite restricted.

  • No, this does not appear to be the issue ... I had already added both the machine's AD identity, and the NETWORK SERVICE account, but now as a test I have added "Everyone" for the local machine with read/write permissions and this still does not appear to detect any of the .nupkg files. Is anything needed with the .nupkg files?

  • If the feed is a legacy feed, then the import folder is not used; instead packages can be added directly to their storage location.

    Assuming it's not a legacy feed:

    Is there anything in the ProGet error log or package indexing error log? Both are accessible from the admin page. If there's nothing in there to indicate a problem, I would try running the ProGet service interactively to see if there's any relevant non-error logged. Just stop the service, and run:

    Proget.Service.exe run

    By default, it scans the directory every 60 seconds, so you should see some info about it running a DropPathMonitorExecuter every so often.

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