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Unable to debug using symbol server

  • Hi,

    I configured TeamCity to publish nuget packages with -Symbols option to our private ProGet server.
    Symbols server enabled for feed, on a package view page message appears "Symbols and source files are available.". Pdb and source files exists in package. VS settings adjusted to use symbol server in the same way as told in this article http://inedo.com/support/tutorials/debug-into-internal-nuget-packages-with-proget, but nothing happens when I try to step into package dll. Fiddler shows that VS is trying to download pdb for common dlls like System.Web and no records found for my private dlls.

    Did I miss something ?
    Kindly ask to advice.


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.1.2

  • Can you look at the package store directory and verify that the symbols are included in the package file if you open it as a zip?

    Also, what URL did you add to VS for the symbols?

  • PDB file exists under lib/net45 folder in package
    TC logs says that both .symbols and regular package are pushed to ProGet server

    Nuget server: http://bkiev-payqa-app.betsson.local:4333/nuget/Betsson.Payments
    Symbols server (VS settings): http://bkiev-payqa-app.betsson.local:4333/symbols/Betsson.Payments

  • Your best bet will be to use Fiddler, or a similar tool to monitor the HTTP traffic from visual studio. This will show you exactly what requests are being made by Visual Studio.

    You can the view the symbols inside of the package from the ProGet UI, and which GUIDs it is requesting and trying to find.

  • Thanks for reply.

    I've already tried Fiddler to check traffic and it showed that VS tries to reach my symbol server only for common libraries like System.Web and there are no calls for package libraries.

    What it could mean ?

  • If VS isn't looking for the symbols, then I can't say for sure. Are you sure the configuration within VS is correct?

  • Ok, I've double checked my VS configuration, and now I can step into the .pdb file but at this point VS tries to find .cs file with path of my build machine where the packages are created. If I change the path in VS then it works.

    Is it expected behavior ?

  • It may be as simple as your symbol package getting overwritten. There is no actual difference between a NuGet symbol package and a regular package (except for the file name and the presence of pdb files, and the file name is not submitted with the NuGet push command), so ProGet cannot distinguish between a symbol package and a "non" symbol package. Thus, if you push both, whichever one you push last will overwrite the other one.

    Can you try changing your process to only push the symbol package and see if that fixes it?

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