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Cancelling an execution just hangs

  • I have tried to cancel a pending execution and it will just hang with a message about it waiting for the it to complete because it cannot be cancelled.
    Is there some list of what types of things can or cannot be cancelled?
    What is it waiting for? The job doesn't run but also doesn't cancel.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 6.1.0

  • Keep in mind that Timeout (or cancellation in general) is not guaranteed, and requires that the task (generally, an operation) properly check for a cancellation token. For example, an operation that simply did a Thread.Sleep for 1000 seconds could not be timed out after 10 seconds.

    In a case of a stuck execution, restarting the service is the best way to clear things.

    So, we'd need more context to identify if it's a bug in the operation, or simply something that isn't support.

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