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Extension errors

  • Hello,
    for some reason, INEDOBMSVC was not running, but was fine, yesterday. After I restarted it, workflow execution failed, unable to recognize the extension methods. Editing the plans would default to text mode, displaying an error, such as below: -

    There were one or more errors processing your script:
    [Error] Line 20: Unknown operation "Copy-Files".
    [Error] Line 39: Unknown operation "Delete-Files".

    An example of an execution error is below: -

    The execution failed before it could start: Error processing deployment plan "Retrieve Build" (ID=6) specified in pipeline "API" stage "Initialization" for target environment "".
    Line 4: Error: Unknown operation "Jenkins::Import-Artifact".

    The extensions are installed: -

    Chocolatey	1.0.4	1.0.4	Contains operations for working with Chocolatey.	
    Inedo SDK	1.0.6	-	Universal SDK for BuildMaster, ProGet, Otter, and Hedgehog.	
    InedoCore	1.0.11	1.0.11	Contains core functionality for Inedo products.	
    Jenkins		1.0.2	1.0.2	Contains operations to get artifacts and trigger builds in Jenkins.	
    JIRA		1.0.0	1.0.0	Issue Tracking integration for JIRA 5 and later.	
    Linux		1.0.2	1.0.2	Contains operations to interact with Linux servers.	
    SQL Server	6.0.0	6.0.0	Contains a database provider for Microsoft SQL Server.	
    Windows		1.0.11	1.0.11	Contains operations to interact with Windows features, including IIS and services.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 6.0.12

  • inedo-engineer

    This has also been reported in our Jenkins extensions issues section, can you take a moment to respond to the questions I posed here?


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