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Cannot push ruby gem

  • I have created a rubygems feed and the feed list reports the endpoint
    however, when I click on the feed, the endpoint is reported as https://REDACTED/rubygems/private-ruby/

    If I try to push to the latter (rubygems) URL, it says API endpoint not available.

    My account at the proget server has admin privilege

    Trying the former (nuget) URL, using my proget username and password I get this

    gem push pkg/mypackage-0.1.0.gem --host https://REDACTED/nuget/private-ruby -V
    Enter your https://REDACTED/nuget/private-ruby credentials.
    Don't have an account yet? Create one at https://REDACTED/nuget/private-ruby/sign_up
       Email:   REDACTED
    GET https://REDACTED/nuget/private-ruby/api/v1/api_key
    404 OData method is not implemented.
    OData method is not implemented.

    If I try using the email address associated with my account, I get this

    gem push pkg/mypackage-0.1.0.gem --host https://REDACTED/nuget/private-ruby -V
    Enter your https://REDACTED/nuget/private-ruby credentials.
    Don't have an account yet? Create one at https://REDACTED/nuget/private-ruby/sign_up
       Email:   REDACTED
    GET https://REDACTED/nuget/private-ruby/api/v1/api_key
    401 You are not authorized to view this feed because the user Anonymous does not have the Feeds_ViewFeed privilege.
    You are not authorized to view this feed because the user Anonymous does not have the Feeds_ViewFeed privilege.

    What am I missing? Documentation seems thin on the ground.


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.1

  • nuget should not be anywhere in the URL; that's meant to be the endpoint for NuGet feeds. If it's displayed somewhere, that's a UI glitch that has since been fixed.

    The correct command is:

    gem push <gem file> --host http://{proget-host}/rubygems/{feedName}

    If that's the command that gave you endpoint not available, is there a way to add even more verbose logging to say which endpoint it's referring to? We've probably added it since v4.7.1 (search for ruby on this page: https://inedo.com/proget/versions for specific bugs fixed)

  • Upgrading to v5 seems to have fixed this

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