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Windows Authentication but not on Feeds

  • We want to use Windows authentication but not on feeds.

    We have tried to use npm client and we have 401 error because authentication doesn’t work.

    I have read this post (https://inedo.com/support/questions/2932) but the solution doesn’t convinced us.

    Is there a better solution ?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.0.10

  • npm still does not support integrated windows authentiction, and Microsoft still does not support disabling on a per-url basis, so you will have to set up another site in IIS as prescribed by the post you referenced.

  • Somewhat similar to the post you've read already, but I've provided an answer to this kind of problem before:


    Basically it's setting up two IIS sites, one with Windows auth the other with Basic Auth (or anonymous if you want). One instance of ProGet, but two ways to get to it.

    We've been successfully using ProGet with both Windows Auth (for .NET nugets) and Basic Auth (for npm and docker) for about a year now, with the configuration described in the post I referenced.


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