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When querying packages, why does ProGet also return unlisted packages?

  • I unlisted a package we created internally thinking it would no longer show up when browsing packages in Visual Studio or in the Package Manager Console.

    We have the following versions:

    • Package v2.0.6 (unlisted in ProGet web UI)
    • Package v2.0.5
    • Package v2.0.4
    • etc

    In the ProGet web UI, v2.0.6 is not shown any more. But when searching for the package in Visual Studio (either in manage packages or using the Package Manager Console), the unlisted package is still returned as the top result.

    Is this by design? I thought that unlisted packages were ommited from these results and only available if one had the exact version number of the unlisted package?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.8.9

  • It looks like this is just an oversight on our part, because the unlisted package is the latest version.

    I've logged this as PG-1194 and scheduled to fix in a maintenance release.

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