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SQL error on Gem push/upload to endpoint
I'm getting the following error when trying to push a ruby gem to the Proget rubygems endpoint:
42883: function Events_RaiseEvent(unknown, integer, unknown, character varying, unknown, character varying) does not exist
The gem push command:
gem push [gemfile] --host [https://proget.example.company.com/rubygems/rubygems]
This is running on a Linux deployment of Proget.
Product: ProGet
Version: 4.7.14
Hi Ken,
Thanks for contacting us. We are aware of this issue and have traced it to be a bug in a database script, that only affects Linux. The good news is we already have issued a fix for the problem (https://inedo.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/PG-1101), it just needs to be reviewed and tested.