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pgutil showing incorrect buildnr

  • When i download the latest pgutil version v2.1.2.1 and run it, there is a mismatch between the downloaded version and the reported version.


    I tried with a few older releases and noticed they always displays 0 on buildnr.
    download v2.1.1.3 -> displays v2.1.1.0
    download v2.0.6.1 -> displays v2.0.6.0

    Is this intended?

  • inedo-engineer

    That's a display issue in pgutil. It's not supposed to show the build number as part of the version at all, so we'll fix that. Note that we do include the build as part of the tag, but the actual release title on GitHub is just 2.1.1, 2.0.6, etc. Thanks for reporting this!

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