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Question about Deploy Artifact operation

  • For Deploy Artifact it has the option of the Package to deploy and I was wondering if you have your pipeline set to run stages in order then do you even need to set the value here and can instead just utilize the default value, current package($PackageNumber)?
    Just wondering if it really matters to set it to latest or furthest in that kind of setup.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.6.8

  • By default, all you need is the name. The following operations are equivalent:

    Deploy-Artifact my-artifact-name;
    # and...
    Deploy-Artifact my-artifact-name
        To: $WorkingDirectory,
        Application: $ApplicationName,
        Release: $ReleaseNumber,
        Package: $PackageNumber,
        Deployable: $DeployableName,
        DeployAsZipFile: false,
        TransferAll: false,
        DoNotClearTarget: false,
        Verbose: false

    This should be mentioned in the auto-generated docs but since it is not, I'll put in a note to do that :)

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