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HTTP/500 error when re-running a job from History which has a blank/empty template variables

  • I have an Otter job template for which I have defined a number of custom variables, some of which are marked as Required and some are not.

    If I view previous executions of that job in /jobs/history, there is a small ▶ (play) button icon against each execution, for which I believe the intention is to re-run any one particular execution with the variable prompts pre-populated with the previously-entered values for that execution.

    If there were no custom variables defined on the template or, for that execution, if all the custom variables were populated with a value, clicking that button works as intended.

    If, however, I did not set a value for one of the properties (i.e. it was left as an empty text box), clicking that button results in an HTTP/500 server error. The Diagnostic Centre page yields the following:

    An error occurred in the web application: The given key 'MyCustomVariableName' was not present in the dictionary.
    URL: http://xxxx:8626/jobs/from-template?jobTemplateId=Default%3A%3AJobTemplate%3A%3AMyTemplateFolder%2FMyTemplateName&jobId=140
    Referrer: http://xxxx:8626/jobs/history
    User: Admin
    User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:132.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/132.0
    Stack trace:    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
       at Inedo.Otter.WebApplication.Pages.Jobs.CreateJobFromTemplatePage.VariablePrompts..ctor(IEnumerable`1 variables, Dictionary`2 selectedValues, VariableTemplateContext context)
       at Inedo.Otter.WebApplication.Pages.Jobs.CreateJobFromTemplatePage.CreateChildControls()
       at Inedo.Otter.WebApplication.Pages.OtterSimplePageBase.InitializeAsync()
       at Inedo.Web.PageFree.SimplePageBase.ExecutePageLifeCycleAsync()
       at Inedo.Web.PageFree.SimplePageBase.ProcessRequestAsync(AhHttpContext context)
       at Inedo.Web.AhWebMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
    ::HTTP Error on 19/12/2024 18:55:42::

    I'm fairly certain it boils down to a simple null-ref check in the CreateJobFromTemplatePage class (decompiled from Otter.WebApplication.dll):

    public VariablePrompts(IEnumerable<TemplateVariable> variables, Dictionary<string, string> selectedValues, VariableTemplateContext context)
        object item;
        CreateJobFromTemplatePage.VariablePrompts variablePrompt = this;
        foreach (TemplateVariable variable in variables)
            if (this.variableValues.ContainsKey(variable.Name))
            TemplateVariable templateVariable = variable;
            if (selectedValues != null)
                item = selectedValues[variable.Name];    // <-- here
                item = null;
            if (item == null)
                item = variable.InitialValue;
            templateVariable.InitialValue = (string)item;
            VariableTemplateInput variableTemplateInput = variable.Type.CreateInput(variable, context);
            this.variableValues.Add(variable.Name, variableTemplateInput);

    My guess is that you are not serializing unset/empty values or that they are not being deserialized correctly to the selectedValues dictionary by the caller. Whether or not that is a larger problem is unknown, but you can probably bandage it here by simply changing to...

    if (selectedValues != null || !selectedValues.ContainsKey(variable.Name))
        item = selectedValues[variable.Name];

    ...without affecting the surrounding logic.

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