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Connector nuget.org error: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
ProGet Version 2024.18 (Build 1) (Manual)
[Major] Connector nuget.org error: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
Server 2022 new deploymentGetting error message on nuget.org connector:
System.Net.WebException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed because the remote party sent a TLS alert: 'HandshakeFailure'.
---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80090326): The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ForceAuthenticationAsync[TIOAdapter](Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] reAuthenticationData, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.ConnectHelper.EstablishSslConnectionAsync(SslClientAuthenticationOptions sslOptions, HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.Http.ConnectHelper.EstablishSslConnectionAsync(SslClientAuthenticationOptions sslOptions, HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.ConnectAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.CreateHttp11ConnectionAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.AddHttp11ConnectionAsync(QueueItem queueItem)
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSourceWithCancellation1.WaitWithCancellationAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.SendWithVersionDetectionAndRetryAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, Boolean doRequestAuth, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.AuthenticationHelper.SendWithAuthAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Uri authUri, Boolean async, ICredentials credentials, Boolean preAuthenticate, Boolean isProxyAuth, Boolean doRequestAuth, HttpConnectionPool pool, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.DiagnosticsHandler.SendAsyncCore(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.RedirectHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.DecompressionHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.<SendAsync>g__Core|83_0(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpCompletionOption completionOption, CancellationTokenSource cts, Boolean disposeCts, CancellationTokenSource pendingRequestsCts, CancellationToken originalCancellationToken) at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.SendRequest(Boolean async) at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func2 endFunction, Action1 endAction, Task1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at System.Net.WebRequest.GetResponseAsync() at Inedo.ProGet.GlobalExtensions.GetResponseAsync(HttpWebRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Inedo.ProGet.Feeds.Connector.GetDirectResponseAsync(String url, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Inedo.ProGet.Feeds.Connector.GetCachedResponseAsync(String url, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Inedo.ProGet.Feeds.Connector.GetCachedTextReaderAsync(String url, Boolean bufferEntireResponse, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Inedo.ProGet.Feeds.NuGet.V3.NuGetV3Client.GetJObjectResponseAsync(String url) at Inedo.ProGet.Feeds.NuGet.V3.NuGetV3Client.ConnectAsync() at Inedo.ProGet.Feeds.NuGet.NuGetConnector.GetV2FeedClientFromV3ClientAsync(TimeSpan timeout, Func2 getResponseAsync)
at Inedo.LazyAsync`1.GetValueAsync()
at Inedo.ProGet.Feeds.NuGet.NuGetConnector.FindPackagesByIdAsync(NuGetQueryOptions options, String id)Have captured packets in NetMon, and can see that the handshake is initiated on TLS1.0, then it errors out
Have disabled TLS1.0 and TLS1.1, kept only 1.2 and 1.3, (which is what nuget.org accepts), but still having same error.
Hi @paul-kendik_9721 ,
It looks like you're on the right track with troubleshooting -- the issue is indeed related to SSL/Certificates. This is all handled at the operating system level, which means there's nothing we can do on the application (i.e. ProGet) side of things.
Unfortunately, I've never seen this error on a modern Windows server so I don't know what exactly to suggest to fix. I didn't even know TLS 1.0 was enabled on Windows still. Maybe it's not even the server, but like a proxy or some kind of intermediate server?
The "good news" is that this is an easily searchable problem, so I would start by searching for "Windows 2022 SSL HandshakeFailure TLS 1.0" and see what comes up. There is certainly some kind of setting on your server taht is causing this problem, I just don't know what to suggest to look for.
Please let us know wat you find!