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ProGet 2023.35: Wrong vulnerability-mapping?

  • Hi,

    we came accross an issue in some of our projects which does not really make sense to us:
    If I have a look at "@types/http-proxy 1.17.14" it does not show any vulnerability:
    If I have a look at the vulnerability itself, it says that this vulnerability affects package "http-proxy <1.18.1":

    Could it be possible that the scope of the package is not considered in vulnerability scanning, and that "@types/http-proxy 1.17.14" leads to "http-proxy 1.17.14"?

    Or is there any other reason for this vulnerability to show up in our projects?

    I hope you can clarify this issue for me.


  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @caterina ,

    This issue looks very familiar, and I'm almost certain it's a bug we fixed/discovered while testing ProGet 2024 prior to release. Basically, the npm scope was not considered for vulnerability searches during build analysis.

    This should not happen in ProGet 2024.


  • Hi @atripp,

    thank you very much for clarifying this.
    We are not able to update to ProGet 2024 yet, so I will just resolve this issue manually for our projects.


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