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Use pgutil to create a feed

  • The documentation at https://docs.inedo.com/docs/proget-api-feeds-create suggests I can use pgutil feeds create to create a new feed, however it seems the latest release available on Github does not have that option available, and using the API with PowerShell throws a type error as the endpoint is expecting a very specific type of payload, and a PowerShell hashtable (which is the most common way to interact with a JSON body-based api) doesn't work.

    Is there a specific version of pgutil.exe I should be using to create new feeds?



  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @steviecoaster,

    We're currently working on the pgutil feeds commands, and expected create and update to be finished in a week or so. In the mean time, I just published pgutil-1.1.2, so please check that out - it will have a basic version of pgutil feeds create.

    As for the PowerShell command, you'll need to pass the JSON structure that's documented in that article. You would want to use something like ConvertTo-Json to convert a Hash table to JSON.

    -- Dean

  • Ha, It was a goofy issue. I wasn't paying attention and had the Body defined as a string in my proxy function. 😂

    This is working nicely now!

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