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Publishing a powershell module to Powershell Feed getting Manifest error

  • I am trying to publish a PowerShell module to the new PowerShell feed. I keep receiving the below manifest error. The test-mod has a manifest file and Ive Run New-ModuleManifest.
    I also downloaded a module from the PowerShell Gallery and tried to post that and i received the same error.

    <div markdown="1" style="background-color:lightgray;color:red" > Publish-Module : Module 'Test-Mod' cannot be published because it does not have a module manifest file. Run New-ModuleManifest -Path <PathName> to create a module manifest with metadata before publishing.

    Any suggestions or help would be so awesome, this is driving me bananas!

    Publish-Module -Repository MyCompFeed -Path Test-Mod -NuGetApiKey api:key -v -Confirm:$false

    ProGet Version 4.3.1(Build 5)
    Get-PackageSource MyCompFeed PSModule True True False http://nuget.MyCompFeed
    Get-PackageProvider PSModule
    PackageManagement is at version
    NuGet Version:
    PSVersion 5.0.10514.6
    WSManStackVersion 3.0
    CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
    BuildVersion 10.0.10514.6
    PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
    PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.4.2

  • This error is coming entirely from the client, and is happening before it's reaching ProGet.

    We've heard several reports of inexplicit behavior like this (i.e. this error with a valid package file), so you may want to take this up with the OneGet team.

    However you can just use nuget.exe to publish the package as well.

  • Do you have any test modules that you guys used to this feature out or simple steps that you could share

  • Well i finally was able to publish to our Powershell feed.
    I updated the PackageManagement and PowerShellGet modules to version which were released a few days ago... 12 Oct 2016

    I hope this helps .

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