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Helm Chart installation
I'm looking to install ProGet for the first time, but I can't seem to find a helm chart available for it, maybe I can't find the link, can anybody help me?
Hi @ccordova_8628 ,
We have several customers running ProGet as K8 cluster in Production, and we've even added some "special" Kubernetes-only features like Upgrading the Database Only (Optional)... but we do not have an official Helm chart we can provide.
This is because, unlike Windows/IIS and Docker/NGIX, we aren't very experienced at troubleshooting broken K8 clusters.
If you have someone on staff who is a K8 expert, and you already maintain a K8 cluster for other applications, then you should be fine using K8 and creating a helm chart.
Hopefully it should be relatively easy to configure following our Linux documentation:
- https://docs.inedo.com/docs/installation-linux-docker-guide
- https://docs.inedo.com/docs/installation-upgrading-docker-containers
Here is some community discussion on the matter:
If you end up creating a helm chart, please do share, and we can consider it a community-provided chart :)
Hi Alana,
One more question, is it possible for ProGet to use Mysql or PostgreSql instead of SQL Server, couldn't find any docs related to that as well.