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Wrong version shown in Usage&Statistics

  • Looking at the Usage&Statistic of a package, we can see the Latest Version of a consumer.
    We noticed that the Latest Version is not the highest version of a consumer, but the latest version uploaded.
    E.g.: We uploaded a project in version 2.0.0 and 2.0.0 is shown as Latest Version in its dependencies. Afterwards we had to upload a fix from a branch in version 1.6.1. Now 1.6.1 is shown as Latest Versions in the same dependencies.
    One could assume that only versions below 1.6.1 are affected if a vulnerability is found in the package.

    Could anybody else observe this behavior? Is it supposed to work this way?

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @caterina ,

    This behavior is intentional, but not ideal. It should only navigation - such as the "Usage & Statics" page on a package, or the "List Projects" page which has a "Latest Release" column. As long as the Release is active, you'll still see new issues come up.

    That's really what determines if a release is scanned or not - Active or not.

    The reason for this... an SCA Release's "Release Number" is a free-form field, which means there are no sorting rules. So we can't practically/easily determine what the "highest" number. Instead, we just use the order in which it was created for display purposes.


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