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Two possible new bugs in BM

  • When adding a new PS script to an existing Build pipelines target, you get an error Object not set to an instance when trying to edit it. Furthermore you can no longer use the visual GUI to edit any scripts (not just PS) until you delete the object. My client application has a space and + in it (it's called TOM + JERRY) if that helps.

    Second one is a weird one. If your code checked out as part of a BM pipeline target and you go to deploy it you get a "directory not empty error" if: A subfolder has folders in it but no files. I get around this by creating an empty file in that folder or doing a manual delete.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @ForgotMyUsername ,

    I can't reproduce #1, and I don't have enough details (specific error messages, stack traces, etc) to guess what the issue could be. Same for #2 -- I would need to see specific OtterScript and the errors you're getting to take a guess at where the problem is.

    One thing that would be helpful, if you could create step-by-step reproduction information. For example,

    1. Create application named TOM + JERRY
    2. Create PowerShell Script named XYZ
    3. etc...

    Short of that, stack traces and errors logs are really important. There are a lot of copmontents working together, and hard to guess based on general descriptions :)


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