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Host package
I am writing to you because I have a question. Well, I created a file using chocolets and now I want to share this package (host) so that I can install it in the JumpCloud application. Could you please help me how can I configure it ? I would like to add that I want it to be a private package
Hi @p-pawlowski_8446 ,
I'm sorry but I'm not totally sure what you're asking; we're not familiar with JumpCloud.
Are you looking for how to publish a Chocolatey Package? We have a step-by-step on how to create a priate choco repository, but not on creating packages...
Yes, I have a ready, created package. I did it using powershell in chocolatey. Now I need to host this package so that I can install it in the aforementioned earlier JumpCloud. I tried to share this package using dropbox, however it didn't work. After contacting JumpCloud technical support, I got information that this must be the URL to the repository. Tried also with github, this solution doesn't work either. I'm looking for a solution and I'm already powerless, so I'm looking for any help, hints.
I'm not super familiar with JumpCloud, but it looks like they have a very nice tutorial on how to use Chocolate with JumpCloud: https://university.jumpcloud.com/courses/tutorial-using-chocolatey-for-windows-and-jumpcloud
I think the main things that you will need to do with ProGet are:
- Make sure that your ProGet instance is accessible to the machines that you are installing the chocolate packages on
- In that tutorial, they showed the choco install command. You should replace that command with the one that shows in ProGet (ex:
choco install 7zip --version 21.7 --source https://proget.yourserver.com/nuget/choco-demo-cached/
Hope this helps!