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Maven Versions don't sort correctly

  • According to this post, the class org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ComparableVersion is the source of truth for how maven verisons are sorted, but ProGet maven feeds don't seem to follow this. For example, given the versions 3.1.0-9 and 3.1.0-10, the class will sort them numerically so they are in the order provided just now. ProGet, on the other hand, sorts them lexographically and considers 3.1.0-9 higher than 3.1.0-10. There are probably other weird quirks as well but this is the one that I am concerned with. The retention rules for "keep X latest versions" will delete the wrong artifacts because of this.

    This is what I used to prove the above:

    import java.util.Arrays;
    import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ComparableVersion;
    public class App 
        private static final ComparableVersion[] VERSIONS = new ComparableVersion[]{
            new ComparableVersion("3.1.0-10"),
            new ComparableVersion("3.1.0-9")
        public static void main( String[] args )
            for (ComparableVersion v : VERSIONS) {

    The resulting output is


  • inedo-engineer

    Thanks for report @jim-borden_4965

    We just reviewed the Version Order Specifications, which are a bit ambiguous... but if that's what the version class does, then we may as well follow.

    I've fixed this as PG-2226 by comparing integer version qualifiers numerically, and it will be in the next maintenance release.

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