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BUG: NuGet registration JSON missing icon information

  • I am using a nupkg that has an icon entry instead of iconUrl (the latter being deprecated) but this causes ProGet to omit the icon information. I suspect the correct thing to do is to put in an iconUrl with a link to the file on the proget server (similar to what happens with an embedded license). I don't have any packages released on nuget to compare the icon situation but here is what I noticed regarding both LICENSE.txt and the icon.

    On nuget (a package using embedded license, but iconUrl) using https://api.nuget.org/v3/registration5-gz-semver2/<package>/index.json:

    X means "arbitrary index" since it won't be meaningful in this context
    items[X].catalogEntry.iconUrl: https://api.nuget.org/v3-flatcontainer/<package>/<version>/icon
    items[X].catalogEntry.licenseUrl: https://www.nuget.org/packages/<package>/<version>/license

    On proget (a package using embedded license and icon) for the same keys:
    items[X].catalogEntry.iconUrl does not exist
    items[X].catalogEntry.licenseUrl: https://aka.ms/deprecateLicenseUrl
    items[X].catalogEntry.licenseExpression: package://<package>/<version>/LICENSE.txt

    I also see the nuget client asking ProGet for [url]/v3-flatcontainer/<package>/<version>/license to which is responds 404 OData method not implemented, suggesting that it might be baked into the protocol somehow? I don't see a reference to that URL in the index.json. My conclusion is that iconUrl and licenseUrl should be present in this scenario and should point to proget endpoints that serve the content.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @jim-borden_4965 ,

    I think the iconUrl will be relatively easy to implement, but not so much the licenseUrl...

    Can you provide a download link to a package that I can test with? If it's easy we can make the fix for iconUrl.


  • Sorry I didn't notice this reply! Sure, our published packages have used embedded licenses for several versions now. Here is one -> https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/Couchbase.Lite/3.0.2 and here is a link to how the server shows it https://www.nuget.org/packages/Couchbase.Lite/3.0.2/License

  • Oh, if you meant an example with embedded icon, .NET official packages do this too:


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