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How to change date format on newly imported packages?
I have bulk imported lots of packages to a ProGet server via the drop-path feature when I noticed that the region of the Windows server hosting ProGet was incorrectly set to American date format MM/DD/YYYY. I have now changed this to Australian date format. DD/MM/YYYY.
As a result, when I go to Feed > NuGet >> and pick any package, the "Last Updated" field shows the incorrect date format.
Q1: Is there a simple way to change this to Australian date format for all packages?
Q2: Does it have any impact on the functionality of ProGet and how we search packages?ProGet version 5.1.16
Dates in ProGet are stored as utc datetimes, and then are displayed using .NET's date formatting functions, which in turn uses the operating system's setting.
So I guess, if you just restart the server, maybe the setting will take, and dates will be displayed as epxected?
Hi Alana,
That's what I thought, but unfortunately this is not the case. I have restarted ProGet service from Windows > Servies as well as from ProGet > Administration > Manage Service > Restart Web Application.
Any other suggestion?
Did you restart the server? The setting is at operating-system level, so you will need full reboot of server.
Hi Alana,
Yes, the server was also restarted but didn't help.
I researched this some more, and it looks like it's also configurable per-user. So you'll need to change the regional setting of whatever account ProGet is running under it looks like.
I've never done this before, and it's something handled by the operating system... but I searched " change regional settings per user windows" and found a number of results, but this one looks promising: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/254248/default-global-regional-setting.html
Hope that helps!
Fantastic, that worked and I learned something new today :) "Regional settings are per user" and since ProGet runs under Network Services account, changing it simply for the current user made no difference.
Awesome support, thank you!