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V5 has 'Invalid variable name' error for an application build

  • I was running v4.9.7, with builds already converted to OtterScript format. I upgraded to v5.0.3, and also upgraded the few extensions that I was using, such as TFS.

    The builds seemed to be in "legacy" mode again, so I re-converted them to OtterScript.

    However, the builds are failing with an "Invalid variable name" error. I also tried reducing one build to only get the latest files from TFS source control (with a TFS [or SCM] triggered build), with no other steps in the build. This build is still getting the same error.

    I can't find anywhere any hints about which variable is missing or invalid.

    The error details are:

    ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.FormatException: Invalid variable name.
    at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.RuntimeVariableName.Parse(String s)
    at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Variables.TextProcessor.ReadVariableOrFunction(Boolean onlyScalar)
    at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Variables.TextProcessor.ReadNext()
    at Inedo.ExecutionEngine.Variables.ProcessedString.Load(TextReader reader)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.PlanExecuter.ScriptPropertyMapper.SetPropertyValue(Object target, IVariableEvaluationContext variableContext, String propertyValue, PropertyInfo property)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.PlanExecuter.ScriptPropertyMapper.SetProperties(Object target, ActionStatement action, IVariableEvaluationContext variableContext)
    at Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.Executions.PlanExecuter.DeploymentPlanExecuter.<Inedo-ExecutionEngine-Executer-IExecutionHostEnvironment-ExecuteActionAsync>d__19.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.0.3

  • "Invalid Variable Name" means that the variable was never declared, nor can be found externally. For example, an OtterScript with just...

    Log-Information $aswlfnk43;

    ...w ill throw that message. Whereas...

    set $aswlfnk43 = something;
    Log-Information $aswlfnk43;

    .... will not. We will improve the error message for the next beta and identify the variable that's used.

  • I don't believe I have any variables that I am referencing or attempting to use.

    The entire plan that I am using now for testing is as follows (with some anonymization):

        From: "$/TFS-Project/application-folder",
        To: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\test,
        Provider: TFS-provider-name
        To: philipd@example.com,
        Subject: Test Build email,
        Text: Testing

    The build is triggered by a "release package" trigger, using an SCM trigger to monitor a TFS (2015) project. The trigger does seem to detect a check-in and start the build, but the invalid variable error happens almost immediately.


  • I would try escaping the $/TFS with the grave apostrophe.

        From: `$/TFS-Project/application-folder,
        To: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\test,
        Provider: TFS-provider-name

  • OK. I tried that, and I'm no longer getting the variable error.

    Now I'm getting an error:
    [...] Use a "for server ..." block to set the server context.

    I think I can work on resolving that. If I still encounter errors, I will post another reply later.

  • Yes you will need to target a server at the pipeline level (in which case it will run the plan against that server or servers), or use an explicit server context block such as:

    for server MYSERVRNAM

  • Those 2 steps are working now. I can work on adding back the other steps in the plan/pipeline.

    Thanks for your help.

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