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Proget: error Response Content-Length mismatch: too few bytes written

  • Hello,
    Sometimes (often actually) in "Diagnostic Center" -> "Log Messages" tab I see the following errors:

    An error occurred in the web application: Response Content-Length mismatch: too few bytes written (0 of 23315).
     Details: URL: http://my-proget-url/nuget/sc/v3/flatcontainer/microsoft.net.sdk.maccatalyst.manifest-6.0.100/15.0.101-preview.11.551/microsoft.net.sdk.maccatalyst.manifest-
    Referrer: (not set)
    User: (unknown)
    User Agent: NuGet Client V3/6.0.0
    Stack trace: at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ThrowException(Exception exception)
    at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.CompleteAsync(Exception exception)
    at System.Web.HttpResponse.CompleteAsync()
    at Inedo.Web.AhWebMiddleware.InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)

    Can you help me to understand is it something significant or I can ignore those kind of errors?

  • inedo-engineer

    You can ignore this error; for whatever reason, the NuGet client unexpectedly terminated the connection, and the result was that ProGEt stopped writing bytes. Not really anything to worry about.

    The diagnostic center isn't for proactive-monitoring, more for diagnostic purposes. So ulnless users are reporting a problem, you don't need to check it.

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