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How to provide ProGet feed name in Azure DevOps Docker-Compose task?
Whenever I am pushing to ProGet from Azure DevOps using the "Docker Compose" task, I recieve an error that I did not provide the feed name.
Here is my azure-build.yml.
trigger: - master pool: name: [redacted] steps: - task: DockerCompose@0 displayName: Build services inputs: action: Build services containerregistrytype: Container Registry dockerRegistryEndpoint: Proget Docker dockerComposeFile: docker-compose.yml projectName: [redacted] qualifyImageNames: false additionalImageTags: | $(Build.BuildId) latest - task: DockerCompose@0 displayName: Push services inputs: containerregistrytype: Container Registry dockerRegistryEndpoint: Proget Docker action: Push services dockerComposeFile: docker-compose.yml projectName: [redacted] qualifyImageNames: true additionalImageTags: | $(Build.BuildId) latest
The build completes. The push runs into an error.
The error I receive:
Docker repository names in ProGet must include the feed as a prefix. Example: MyFeed/library/ubuntu
I need to use the Docker-Compose task for this specific service. To contrast, here's my regulars "Docker Build" task that lets me include the whole repository name and works every time:
trigger: - master pool: name: [redacted] steps: - task: Docker@2 displayName: buildAndPush inputs: containerRegistry: 'Proget Docker' repository: [org name (feed?)]/[image name] Dockerfile: Dockerfile buildContext: . tags: | $(Build.BuildId) latest
How do I provide the Feed prefix with the docker-compose task?
Hi @dustin-davis_2758 ,
I'm not really sure - I'm not familiar enough with ADO Docker Compose to help :/
The error is coming because the container repository (image) name is incorrect; it should be like
Generally you put this in your docker-compose.yml file, like this:
So that would be the first place I would look. If you have the proper image name in there, tehn I guess, ADO might be doing something different?
Let us know what you find!