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Upgrading from 5 to 6 causes API Key to stop working

  • We recently upgraded from ProGet 5.3.38 to 6.0.6. It worked fine for a few days, but then part of our automation tried to use an API Key to check if a container exists in an repository exists. This check was working fine before we upgraded, but now is failing.

    Here is the command that was run (in PowerShell):

    $manifestResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://myProGetServer.net/v2/MyFeed/PackageLibraryHere/PackageNameHere/manifests/1.0.0" -Method GET -Headers @{"X-ApiKey"="___API_KEY_HERE__";"accept"="application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"}

    Now when this runs it returns:

    {"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"Anonymous is not permitted to perform the Feeds_ViewFeed task for the current scope.","detail":[{"Type":"repository","Name":"MyFeed/PackageLibraryHere/PackageNameHere","Action":"pull"}]}]}

    Prior to upgrading this API Key had a user that it ran as. After upgrading to version 6, it seems to have been auto-converted to a "Personal" API Key. It still has the correct user on it post upgrade and the API Key seems to be unchanged (though I can't really verify that).

    To see if it was specific to this user, I created a Feed API Key (assigned to my feed). When I tried the call with that API Key (which looks longer than the old ones), it still failed with the same "Anonymous is not permitted" error.

    I want to reiterate that this was tested and was all working fine before we upgraded to version 6.

    How can I get this call to check if a Container is already uploaded working correctly again?

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @Stephen-Schaff ,

    The API Keys changes in ProGet v6 involved changing some of the authentication code, so seeing bugs/regressions where a connected systems (build/CI server) reports authentication errors is not unexpected.

    Based on the error message you're sending, it looks like you were using an X-ApiKey header to authenticate to the Docker registry API. That actually wasn't supposed to be supported before (Docker API requires token-based authentication), and must have only worked because of a bug / unclear specification in our old authentication code...

    So the options from here:

    1. Allow anonymous access to view the feed
    2. Modify your script to use Docker's token-based authentication
    3. Rollback to v5

    We can consider adding/documenting support for using X-ApiKey header in the Docker API, but as it's not possible at the moment....

  • @atripp do you have any docs on how to do this token authentication with proget? I just need a way to curl or otherwise do a GET to see if the container is there already.

  • inedo-engineer

    @Stephen-Schaff I'm afraid I don't... it's a bit tricky to use, since you need to request a bearer token first and then send that in a header value.


  • @atripp

    I got this working. Here is my PowerShell script to get a Docker Token from ProGet:

    function GetDockerToken() {
        param (
            [string] $packageName = $(throw "-packageName is required.  This is the namespace and image name.  For example: library/my-container-image"),
            [string] $feed = $(throw "-feed is required"),
            [string] $actionToAuthorize = $(throw "-action is required.  This is the docker action to be authorized (pull, push, delete, etc)"),
            [string] $apiKey = $(throw "-apiKey is required"),       
            [string] $progetBaseUrl = $(throw "-progetBaseUrl is required. "),
    	[string] $service	
    	if ($service -eq "") {
              # This expects that $progetBaseUrl is prepended with "https://"  If you are using "http://" then change 8 to 7 below.
    	  $service = $progetBaseUrl.SubString(8,$progetBaseUrl.Length-8)
    	$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f "api","$apiKey")))
    	$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$progetBaseUrl/v2/_auth?service=$service&scope=repository`:$feed/$packageName`:$actionToAuthorize" -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} 
    	if ($response.StatusDescription -eq "OK") {
    		$token = ($response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).token

    This can then be used like this:

    $pullToken = GetDockerToken -feed $toFeed -packageName $packageName -actionToAuthorize "pull" -apiKey $apiKey -progetBaseUrl $progetBaseUrl
    $manifest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$progetBaseUrl/v2/$fromFeed/$packageName/manifests/$fromVersion" -Method GET -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $pullToken)}

    Since this using the API Key for calls like this is no longer supported in ProGet 6, you may want update your documentation here: https://docs.inedo.com/docs/proget-docker-semantic-versioning

    This page has a script I wrote a while back to repackage a container image that uses API Keys on the ProGet Docker API. I posted an update to the script using Docker Tokens on the original thread that caused its creation: https://forums.inedo.com/topic/3255/api-to-apply-an-alternate-tag-to-docker-container-image/4

    If you like, you can update the documentation with the updated script that is compatible with the removal of API Keys functionality on the ProGet 6 Docker API.

  • inedo-engineer

    @Stephen-Schaff thanks so much Stephen, that's great! It's not so hard for us to add this api key back, but your code works just the same mostly i think! let us know...

    Anyway I've updated the documentation :)

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