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Repository for SBOM files?

  • Just curious if Inedo has any thoughts about sboms (software bill of materials) and how they can be stored outside of a service which tracks dependencies.

    I'm starting to see a need for a service that makes it easy to find a sbom from somewhere, similar to how a package repository works.

    You have created a new application or updated the application, and you've created a bom file.
    The bom file isn't necessarily pushed automatically to a service (such as dependency-track), but put in a repository which then can be pulled when the application is finally pushed to QA or Production.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @harald-somnes-hanssen_2204 ,

    Just some random thoughts here...

    ProGet has the Package Consumers feature, but that's not quite a traceable a BOM.

    We largely see BuildMaster's artifacts and metadata serving as the BOM (several customers implemented it like that), though we don't necessarily call it "software bill of materials". We probably should from a marketing/positioning standpoint :)

    There is no format/standard for a SBOM file, but an Asset Directory (and it's directory- and file-level metadata) could severe as such a repository. Universal Packages could as well, but I would imagine a SBOM would be like a XML or JSON file or something.


  • There is a lightweight standard for bom called cyclonedx though (https://cyclonedx.org/).
    Cyclonedx can be output as either xml or json, which can be consumed in an application such as dependency-track. The problem though, is that dependency-track consumes the bom file and does not keep it.

    Of course, it's possible to Asset Directory could be used as a bom repository, though pushing files to a git repository might be better in that regard, since it's easier to download the whole repo and compare files.

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