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Connector to ghcr.io no longer works
I have a docker connector to ghcr.io (the github container registry) which authenticates with a personal access token. This used to work just fine, but recently stopped. I can authenticate directly to ghcr.io from the command line with the same username and password, but I can now no longer connect and the ConnectorHealthCheckRunner reports a 403 error.
Connector ghcr health check reported error: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Nothing on my end has changed, it just stopped working.
Any ideas?
Brett Polivka
Hi @brett-polivka,
Is only the health check failing? Are you still able to pull or search for images?
Also, do you see any errors in the Diagnostics center?
I can't pull or search images either. No errors in the Diagnostic center.
Hi @brett-polivka ,
Hmm.. I tried to look at a way we can get more diagnostic info, but I don't think we can find much more. It sounds like is an authentication problem with your PAT?
Did this happen after an upgrade of ProGet? We haven't made any changes to connectors in a while, but if you can tell the from->to versions, we can see if it might be related.
Otherwise, I'm thinking it's on the end of github, and maybe a relation to the PAT? It's possible your token expired, doesn't have right permission, etc. They may have also change the API too.
I'm not sure exactly when it started failing.
I know the PAT is good, as I can use it outside of ProGet without issue.
I don't doubt that the changes may be on the GitHub side of things. Are you able to connect to ghcr in your environment?
I'm happy to help however I can. Is there a way to get more verbose logging? I can also run any test releases you want to publish.
Hi @brett-polivka,
I haven't tried ghcr, but in my experience GitHub is really unstable on the API/integration side when it's outside of their core source/Git hosting functions (e.g. Packages are notoriously buggy), so if your PAT is okay, then this is the most likely scenario.
The Connector Health Check for Docker uses the catalog API (
), and the response should look something like this: https://proget.inedo.com/v2/_catalog. This endpoint is particularly buggy in other repositories (especially ones that require authentication/authorization), so my guess is GitHub introduced a regression or something on their implementation.Another possibility...
is access related, so it could be something on your proxy side; please also check your Proxy settings, or something on your network side.