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NuGet package with both dll and symbols???
I am new to ProGet and I am currently reading through the documentation to make sure the product will work for us. In reading the docs, I see that ProGet strongly recommends not using separate .nupkg and .snupkg files and that the only difference is one contains that symbols and the other does not. To me, this is implying that the one with the symbols has both symbols and the dll. However, when I look at the contents of both files the symbols are only available in the snupkg, but it does not contain the dll. The nupkg contains the dll, but not the symbols. What am I missing?
Hi @joel_6345 ,
Can I trouble you to read the latest version of the documentation?
Actually I just rewrote it, so I'm really hoping that this can clarify your question .. and that it would have made it easier in the first place :)
thank you