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ProGet hosting in k8s or VM?

  • Alright.. So we are using ProGet and have it installed on a VM with Windows...
    We are also hosting our own k8s both for development and production..
    And I was thinking about puting ProGet into k8s to more and more reduce the amount of VM's we are running...
    But then again, on ProGet we have our docker images.. Which are needed for almost anything in k8s.... So I was wondering, what would be the best solution to host Proget?

    Any Ideas and thoughts are welcome... ;)

  • inedo-engineer

    Just some random thoughts...

    We've had several customers try Kubernetes, but report that, in general, they found Windows to be easier to manage and maintain. "Anyone" can manage a product on Windows, but "only 1 guy" can manage things on Kubernetes, so he became the bottleneck of all things. In addition, the "Kubernetes guy" was constantly tweaking with their clusters, so the "rules kept changing" for how ProGet was supposed to work.

    We don't officially support high-availability mode on Kubernetes yet, for the exact above reason. We aren't "Kubernetes experts" and don't know the best configuration.

    Performance-wise, Windows tends to perform better on the same hardware, especially during high network traffic. The Windows network stack must handle it differently, as it can pass requests directly, instead of doing "whatever Docker/Containers and NGINX does"? Hard to say though, that's only anecdotal.

    I did see a thread on how to run ProGet on a k8 cluster - we don't have an official Helm chart, but this is a great way to get that sort of stuff started

    cc/ @viceice @saml_4392

  • @stevedennis said in ProGet hosting in k8s or VM?:

    "only 1 guy" can manage things on Kubernetes

    I think this is going to change pretty soon. Btw, how do you measure the performance? Do you test it with a reverse proxy or use dotnet core directly?

  • inedo-engineer

    @saml_4392 said in ProGet hosting in k8s or VM?:

    Btw, how do you measure the performance? Do you test it with a reverse proxy or use dotnet core directly?

    In this case, it's mostly about what happens when the servers get overwhelmed with traffic - and it's largely anecdotal. So it could just as well be related to other factors, like other programs running on the servers running the Linux clusters, or SQL Client for Linux not performing as well, or who knows.

    With Windows, people tend to set up dedicated or virtual servers with strict hardware provisioning.

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