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Docker URL for a specific feed

  • I have two main docker feeds setup. One called "application-prerelease" and one called "application".

    My initial builds go into the "application-prerelease" feed, then the good ones get promoted to the "application" feed.

    I am setting up integration to this with a third party tool and it wants the URL of the Feed.

    I tried giving it https://myproget.mydomain.net/application-prerelease/ but it said:

    Feed endpoint https://myproget.mydomain.net/application-prerelease/ does not appear to expose a valid Docker API. The url was tested against the v1 (https://myproget.mydomain.net/application-prerelease/v1) and v2 (https://myproget.mydomain.net/application-prerelease/v2) endpoints and both failed. Please check the uri and the feed provider, and try again. Read http://g.octopushq.com/DockerRegistries for more details.

    I also tried using the base url of my proget server (https://myproget.mydomain.net) and it did not have any errors. But that url has ALL of the container images from all my feeds (application, application-prerelease, and others). (Which makes sense, because it is the root URL.)

    How can I get a URL that will only have the containers of a single feed in it?

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @Stephen-Schaff,

    Docker is pretty wonky, and technically doesn't support multiple registries per host. 🙄

    A Docker Registry is tied to a host (like myproget.mydomain.net), not a URL. A Docker Registry's catalog API endpoint is always «host-name»/v2/_catalog, but I guess your third-party tool isn't so particular, and does a basic concatenation against the field.

    This silly implementation makes no sense for ProGet -- so we just work-around that by requiring a "Namespace" on your Docker Registries that starts with the feed name.

    So technically, you have a Docker Registry at «host-name» that hosts a bunch of Docker Repositories named «feed-name»/«repo-name». I'm afraid your only option here is to do what Docker wants you to -- which is create a user with restricted permissions to the containers you want.

  • OK. That aligns with what I was seeing.

    Thanks for explaining it to me! 🙂

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