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How are Helm Chart Licenses Detected

  • When I look at my helm chart metadata in ProGet it says ? not specified for the License.


    Where in the Helm Chart is it looking for the License?

    The Helm docs say to create a file called LICENSE. I did that and put the text "All Rights Reserved" into it. I then when to ProGet and added a License called "All Rights Reserved". But it still says ? not specified.

    Is ProGet looking somewhere else for the license declaration? If so, where?

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @Stephen-Schaff,

    I was able to recreate this issue. It looks like ProGet is currently not parsing the LICENSE file. Let me discuss this with the products team and I will let you know how we plan to proceed.


  • OK, thanks!

    I am not set on it being in the LICENSE file. If there is another way that Proget would like to get this information, let me know and I will do it that way.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi @Stephen-Schaff,

    After looking into this further, the License Detection & Blocking feature is primarily intended for third-party developer packages; Helm charts are generally first-party, and even the third-party charts don't have a consistent license format. Due to the inconsistency in their license format, we are not able to leverage this in Helm charts. We have added a ticket, PG-1937, to remove the display of licenses from Helm charts.


  • @rhessinger

    You may also want to remove this message:


    The big red banner is what got me looking into the license types in the first place. (I did not want my users to see the big red banner and I could see no way to suppress it except for getting a license assigned.)

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