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[ProGet] Manual database upgrade (docker, kubernetes)
I'm using the proget image in a kubernetes deployment.
Currently i have some trouble when auto upgrading the database. This will sometimes timeout in my startup probe.
So my idea is to run the database upgade as an
with other limits. So the normal proget container can startup without migration.Is there any ways to run the proget docker image to only upgade the database and then exit?
Hi @viceice , we don't have an Official kubernetes deployment for ProGet yet, but working with the community on figuring out how to deploy this way is how we get there. eventually we'd like to offer ProGet Enterprise via Kubernetes and enable load balancing, etc.
I'm not so familiar with Docker or Kubernetes to be honest, but I can answer all of questions so we can figure it together.
Is there any ways to run the proget docker image to only upgade the database and then exit?
Not that I can think of. Here's how it works behind the scenes:
On ProGet (for Windows), the database is initialized/upgraded at install time using a tool called inedosql: https://docs.inedo.com/docs/proget/installation/installation-guide/manual#database
On ProGet for Linux, the ProGet Service is responsible for upgrading the database on startup using the same mechanism (i.e. inedosql). This was done to simplify the Dockerfile.
I'm not sure what an
is, but based on the name, I guess it's a container that exists only to initialize a cluster? Technically we could do several things:- run inedosql on Linux
- add a commandline argument to the ProGet service to terminate after doing a database upgrade
I don't know what would be easier, or better. What do you think?
Yes, a initContainer runs before the normal container and should simply exit with code
when done or any other exit code to indicate a failure.I already have a kubernetes deplyoment and can easily add an init container myself. So i only need a way to call the
before running the normal proget service.I've checked the image contents and found the
can i simply override the docker entrypoint an call that executable? Do i need any special commands args?
OK, found this and will try
docker run --rm -it proget:5.3.21 /usr/local/proget/db/inedosql update /usr/local/proget/db --connection-string="...."
Ok, can use
env for connection string
@atripp Simply running the upgrade didn't help, as the services is upgrading again because the new version is missing in the database.
So it would really helpful to have a simple upgrade command which can be run before running the service.
Thanks @viceice !!
I think we're really close, actually. You're right, the service code (copied below), sets the version, so this wouldn't work anyways.
However, I think if we just write-out a script at build time that does something like
EXEC Configuration_SetValue 'Internal.DbSchemaVersion', $VersionNumber... and then incluse that in
SqlScripts.zip`, it would always work.Ultimately what I'd love to do is build a guide like the Docker Compose Installation Guide, but have it be the Kubernetes Installation Guide.
If we get the version-number-setter script included in
, how close do you think we'll be to a Kubernetes install guide? Would it basically be the same as that Compose guide, but just have k8-commands and k8-sample code instead?private static int UpdateDatabaseSchema() { Console.WriteLine($"ProGet version is {typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version}."); var currentVersion = getCurrentVersion(); Console.WriteLine($"Current DB schema version is {currentVersion?.ToString() ?? "unknown"}."); if (currentVersion == typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version) return 0; using (var p = Process.Start(getStartInfo())) { p.WaitForExit(); if (p.ExitCode == 0) setCurrentVersion(); return p.ExitCode; } static ProcessStartInfo getStartInfo() { #if NET452 return new() { FileName = "mono", Arguments = $"/usr/local/proget/db/inedosql.exe update /usr/local/proget/db/SqlScripts.zip --connection-string=\"{SharedConfig.ConnectionString}\"" }; #else return new() { FileName = "/usr/local/proget/db/inedosql", ArgumentList = { "update", "/usr/local/proget/db/SqlScripts.zip", $"--connection-string={SharedConfig.ConnectionString}" } }; #endif } static Version getCurrentVersion() { try { var s = DB.Configuration_GetValue("Internal.DbSchemaVersion")?.Value_Text; Version.TryParse(s, out var v); return v; } catch { return null; } } static void setCurrentVersion() { try { DB.Configuration_SetValue("Internal.DbSchemaVersion", typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString()); } catch { } } }
It would be nice, if there is a possibillity to check the version and only run the update if the version doesn't match.
here a simplified stateful set:
kind: StatefulSet apiVersion: apps/v1 metadata: name: proget namespace: services labels: app: proget spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: proget template: metadata: labels: app: proget spec: volumes: - name: packages emptyDir: {} # should be pvc - name: extensions emptyDir: {} # should be pvc init_container: - name: upgrade-db image: 'ghcr.io/visualon/proget:5.3.21' command: ["/usr/local/proget/db/inedosql", "update", "/usr/local/proget/db/SqlScripts.zip"] # should only update if required env: - name: SQL_CONNECTION_STRING value: Data Source=proget-sql; Initial Catalog=ProGet; User ID=sa; Password=<YourStrong!Passw0rd> # should be come from secret volumeMounts: - name: packages mountPath: /var/proget/packages - name: extensions mountPath: /var/proget/extensions containers: - name: proget image: 'ghcr.io/visualon/proget:5.3.21' ports: - containerPort: 80 protocol: TCP env: - name: SQL_CONNECTION_STRING value: Data Source=proget-sql; Initial Catalog=ProGet; User ID=sa; Password=<YourStrong!Passw0rd> # should be come from secret volumeMounts: - name: packages mountPath: /var/proget/packages - name: extensions mountPath: /var/proget/extensions serviceName: proget
So the init container runs before the normal proget container.
Normally the proget container gets some startup and liveness probes, if they fail proget will be restartet.
So if i upgrade the image and a database update is needed, this would currently trap theed by the probes and i get an endless restart loop.
Of cause i can extend the startup probes timeout, but that would cause a lot of failues in kubernetes logs.
@viceice sorry on the slow reply, but I presented this at our engineering meeting and our product manager thinks it's a great idea. But, he asked me to write the documentation on it so they know exactly what changes need to be made, and how it will be used...
So I wonder if you can help?
Basically I think we should add another heading like this.
Upgrading the Database (Optional)
The ProGet container will automatically upgrade the database when starting up; this upgrade might take a few minutes, which may appear to cause delays to automated probes (??) like Kubernetes.
You can run the following command to instruct the ProGet container to upgrade the database, and then exit.
docker run ???? docker exec ???
I'm just stuck at how to document the new command to run.
From a code/C# standpoint, we can simply just add a option to ProGet.Service.exe to upgrade the database and exit. And then, we won't upgrade the database if the version matches.
ok, database upgrade command can be run in init_container (wicch can be without any probes)
here a new sample:
kind: StatefulSet apiVersion: apps/v1 metadata: name: proget namespace: services labels: app: proget spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: proget template: metadata: labels: app: proget spec: volumes: - name: packages emptyDir: {} # should be pvc - name: extensions emptyDir: {} # should be pvc init_container: - name: upgrade-db image: 'ghcr.io/visualon/proget:5.3.21' command: ["/usr/local/proget/service/ProGet.Service.exe", "upgrade"] # Updates the database if required env: - name: SQL_CONNECTION_STRING value: Data Source=proget-sql; Initial Catalog=ProGet; User ID=sa; Password=<YourStrong!Passw0rd> # should be come from secret volumeMounts: - name: packages mountPath: /var/proget/packages - name: extensions mountPath: /var/proget/extensions containers: - name: proget image: 'ghcr.io/visualon/proget:5.3.21' ports: - containerPort: 80 protocol: TCP env: - name: SQL_CONNECTION_STRING value: Data Source=proget-sql; Initial Catalog=ProGet; User ID=sa; Password=<YourStrong!Passw0rd> # should be come from secret volumeMounts: - name: packages mountPath: /var/proget/packages - name: extensions mountPath: /var/proget/extensions livenessProbe: # additional startupProbe and readyness probes are available httpGet: path: /log-in port: 80 initialDelaySeconds: 15 periodSeconds: 5 serviceName: proget
This will call the database update command with an init container which has no timeouts. After that is done (exit code zero), kubernetes will start the normal container(s) which can skip upgrade, as it's aready done.
So an proget upgrade would simply be an image update
probes: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes
@viceice thanks! We will add a command via PG-1897 to handle this, it seems quite straight forward...
Stay tuned :)
The issue is closed, so can i implement it to my kubernetes deployment?
@viceice it was shipped in 5.3.23, so please give it a shot and let us know!
We didn't test it in a Kubernetes deployment (I hope we can get great docs on that some day!), but in the meantime I did add this to the documentation:
If you have any suggestions, especially on how to improve the docs, please share it or submit a PR to our docs :)
getting this when trying to run
commandFor help on a specific command, type: ProGet.Service help [command] To run interactively, type: ProGet.Service interactive Invalid command: upgrade ProGet.Service Usage: ProGet.Service [command] Commands: run Runs the ProGet service and/or the ProGet web server interactively. install Installs the ProGet service as a Windows service. uninstall Uninstalls the ProGet Windows service. resetadminpassword Switches to the built-in user directory and changes the Admin account password to "Admin". upgradedb Upgrades the database schema version to this version of ProGet. For help on a specific command, type: ProGet.Service help [command] To run interactively, type: ProGet.Service interactive
@viceice said in [ProGet] Manual database upgrade (docker, kubernetes):
needs to be
ProGet.Service upgradedb
. fixed it in my pr
It's now always dooing upgrade
ProGet version is Current DB schema version is 5.3.24. Executing untracked script DDL-DML/0000. Untracked/10. Block 5.3 Upgrades.sql... Executing untracked script DDL-DML/0000. Untracked/10. Block SQL Server 2005.sql... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/10 SET DATABASE PROPERTIES.sql has already been executed; skipping... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/20 CREATE TYPES.sql has already been executed; skipping... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/21 CREATE ROLE ProGetUser_Role.sql has already been executed; skipping... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/30 CREATE TABLE Configuration.sql has already been executed; skipping... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/30 CREATE TABLE Environments.sql has already been executed; skipping... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/30CTC1 CREATE TABLE Connectors.sql has already been executed; skipping... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/30CTC2 CREATE TABLE ConnectorFilters.sql has already been executed; skipping... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/30EVT1 CREATE TABLE EventTypes.sql has already been executed; skipping... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/30EVT2 CREATE TABLE EventTypeDetails.sql has already been executed; skipping... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/30EVT3 CREATE TABLE EventOccurences.sql has already been executed; skipping... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/30EVT4 CREATE TABLE EventOccurenceDetails.sql has already been executed; skipping... Tracked script DDL-DML/v1-3/0002. 0.1.0/30USR1 CREATE TABLE Groups.sql has already been executed; skipping...
It should skip updates update at all if already uptodate, otherwise startup will be very slow
Thanks for making the pull request @viceice !!
Well, I can see the issue... != 5.3.24
Okay, so next version it should work.
is set in the build/release process, so we just changed the code that sets Diagnostics.DbVersion.Next time it should work.
I know, i saw that difference. Just wanted to inform you
I can't wait to see this works. Is this one fixed in 5.3.25? Also could we have a helm chart? If you guys don't mind, I think you guys can work with https://github.com/bitnami/charts They are pretty good at creating helm chart.
@saml_4392 in theory it's fixed, but we didn't test it
Could you open a new thread about a creating a Helm chart for ProGet itself? That'd be a great place to start that discussion, and get community direction and feedback from users - and provide nice opportunities to partner with organizations like bitnami, who could help