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How to enable Semantic Versioning for Containers

  • I am trying to enable the feature of Semantic Versioning for Containers.

    I did the following steps:

    1. Create a new container feed.
    2. Select the Manage Feed option from the new feed.
    3. Select the Configure option in the Tag Versioning row.
    4. This dialog appears:

    This is where I am stuck. It seems like I should be able to change the Mode option, but there is nothing there to change.

    How can I turn on Semantic Versioning for Containers?

    I am running Version 5.3.18 of Proget.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hello; you should see a checkbox, like this.


    However, due to a bug (now fixed via PG-1885) the checkbox wasn't being displayed due to a license validation problem.

    It will be fixed in the next maintence release, scheduled for later today

  • Thank you for the response and the incredibly fast fix!

    I will get my instance upgraded and test it out.

    Thanks again!

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